ROULETTE HISTORY: ITS INTRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT It's time to delve into the past and provide a lesson on one of the most well-liked casino games ever. There are differing opinions on where the roulette wheel initially appeared, and the history of the game has been hotly contested by academics and even casino owners. The most widely accepted explanation for the beginnings of the roulette game dates back to Blaise Pascal, the self-described mathematical genius, in the 17th century. We shall go into further depth about Pascal later in this tutorial. Before this, it was claimed that roulette was one of the most addictive gambling games and that it was a Chinese board game. Other nations' gaming scenes appeared to be quite promising. Details verifying the original Chinese game, however, have been questioned and brushed aside as mere conspiracies. Fans of French roulette, on the other hand, will see claims about the old Chinese game as quite fictitious, given there is only one z...